Sunday 8 April 2012

Easter Thoughts & The Order of Light

Happy Easter everyone!

For those who don't know, I was brought up as a Christian and I take my faith very seriously. From an early age I have developed the faith I have in God and in his son Jesus Christ. When I went to university I specialised in Religious Education and there further developed my understanding of different belief systems. I personally believe that everyone finds their own path to God and that people have the right to follow the faith of their choice, but for me that path is the Christian faith. My dad is a recently ordained priest of the Church of England and I am so proud of him for following his vocation. When I published The Word, my book of poems based on the Gospels, it was my dad I had in mind and if you read it, you will see that it is dedicated to my dad.

Today I wanted to share a little more of The Dawn with you and talk about the belief system that exists in the world I have created for The Light, The Dark and the Blood. Using what I know about theology and religion, I created a church that rose as an antidote to the power of Supernatural beings such as Vampires, but one which ultimately embraced the light of Christ's teaching (hence The Light).

The Church of the Order of Light was founded by Reverend Father Luke Dowell in the 17th Century, in the wake of the witch hunts, where he witnessed cruelty and torture towards people he believed to be innocent. Luke was no ordinary man and he had conversed with the Mystics, a pure species of light about the direction he believed the world was turning in.  After witnessing a particularly infamous trial, he returns to Glastonbury, to the well...

It was with a heavy heart that the priest returned to Glastonbury and took himself directly to the well, where in the dark of the night he lit candles and spoke the ancient tongue until a brilliant white light emitted from the depths.

“You see what is real and what is not Luke Dowell,” spoke the voices of the Mystics, as their light shone brightly around him. “We will grant you the gift of First Sight; every being, Human or otherwise will be obvious to you; you will see them for what they truly are. No being might hide the truth of their nature from you; not even us. Not even the Mystics of the Well.”

As their voices faded, his eyes burnt with their new found power and he left feeling lighter than he had in months, knowing what his purpose must be. He must seek out the Witch Hunters and do whatever he could to bring an end to this persecution. Gathering others around him who felt the same way, with his curate, David, he established the first of the Churches of Light, a secret organisation which recognised the Light of Christ’s love above all other things; above doctrine, dogma and even the law of the land. It was a peaceable faith, but necessarily secretive in these difficult times.
So there we have the theology that will run through the story of The Light, The Dark and the Blood; the church that Ethan will become a priest of in the upcoming novels and which Robert Thorn will show a grudging respect for (which incidentally is mutual when he meets Ethan's mentor Father John White).

So I'd just like to wish everyone a very happy and peaceful Easter. However you celebrate the occasion and whatever your personal beliefs, I hope the light of God shines upon you x

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